St Helier, Jersey, Channel Isles

Tag: Round The Rock

Back In The Groove… (Kind of)

I have been back from the MDS for 8 weeks now and one thing I can truly say is that it has certainly left its mark on me! I remember the last couple of days in the desert just wanting the whole thing to be over, but as soon as the race had finished my initial…
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Mont St Michel Marathon and Jersey Half

In the last month quite a bit of racing has happened, I had the Mont St Michel Marathon on Sunday May 13th which was a really well organised marathon. I went over with a few running friends and we stayed in St Malo the day before and it was a beautiful weekend. On the morning…
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A year to go…

So it was with bated breath I watched the 2012 Marathon Des Sables unfold. I was mainly watching the end of day videos on the Darbaroud website looking at the photos and keeping track of the results, particularly keeping an eye on the progress of Jen Salter and Rory Coleman who I had the pleasure…
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Post Ultra Recovery

Its now just over a week after my first ultra event. Recovery was quick, my legs were back to normal within 2 days, which was alot quicker than my first marathon. I couldnt walk down any stairs for a week after that!I am now contemplating my next moves as to races for next year (2012).…
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Round The Rock Ultra Marathon Event Jersey

Yesterday I completed my first Ultra marathon . 48 miles around Jersey in the Greenlight: Round the rock Ultra Marathon, over 1000 metres of ascent.I finished in 9 hours 27 mins which was completely beyond my expectations to be honest. It was a hard day although felt good for the first 2 thirds of the…
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Ebay Bargains

So one of my character “traits” is that I cannot resist a bargain. I am an Ebay addict and consequently cannot resist buying things that “I need” on a regular basis from there. The other day I saw a pair of Inov8 Roclite 295’s on there, there was 20 mins left on them, they were…
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Round The Rock Jersey Ultra Marathon

I have finally bitten the bullet and entered my first Ultra Marathon event.. I was umming and aahing about it for a few weeks because I didn’t genuinely believe I would be ready for it. It is on Aug 6th and is 48 miles around this beautiful island of Jersey. It is demanding terrain, covering…
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Round The Rock Ultra Marathon Training

So I’ve got about 1 and 3/4 years til the MDS so right now I am in the process of identifying suitable events to compete in over that period of time to prepare for the MDS. On August 6th I hope to take part in the Round The Rock Ultra Marathon here in Jersey (website…
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