St Helier, Jersey, Channel Isles

Tag: Jersey Half Marathon 2012

The Hard As Nails Training Plan

So last week saw the first week of my specific training plan for the MDS begin. After seeing Rory Coleman I was armed with a program which if followed will make me in his words “As hard as nails” It is quite a jump up in mileage and I trained every day last week which…
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5 Months To Go..

Yesterday was the Jersey Half Marathon. Over the last few weeks I have been training twice weekly with the Jersey Spartans Athletics Club and have noticed real positive changes in both my speed and endurance. Yesterday was a chance to measure this in real terms and I felt I did ok. The course is challenging…
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Mont St Michel Marathon and Jersey Half

In the last month quite a bit of racing has happened, I had the Mont St Michel Marathon on Sunday May 13th which was a really well organised marathon. I went over with a few running friends and we stayed in St Malo the day before and it was a beautiful weekend. On the morning…
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