St Helier, Jersey, Channel Isles

Tag: Inov8 Roclite 295

The End Of A Love Affair….

So over the weekend a very important relationship for me ended.. We had been together for nigh on 2 years now, shared some good times, bad times, awful times and amazing times. We had travelled around the country together taking in the various sights that good ole Blighty has to offer and spent alot of…
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Endurance Life CTS Dorset Trail Ultra Marathon Dec 2012

Its Official! I’d forgotten how severe the hills on the beautiful Jurassic Coastline were to be honest.. This was the third time I have raced on this section of coast and as soon as I was stood at the base of the first climb, which incidentally was right at the start, the pain, lactic acid…
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Round The Rock Ultra Marathon Event Jersey

Yesterday I completed my first Ultra marathon . 48 miles around Jersey in the Greenlight: Round the rock Ultra Marathon, over 1000 metres of ascent.I finished in 9 hours 27 mins which was completely beyond my expectations to be honest. It was a hard day although felt good for the first 2 thirds of the…
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Ebay Bargains

So one of my character “traits” is that I cannot resist a bargain. I am an Ebay addict and consequently cannot resist buying things that “I need” on a regular basis from there. The other day I saw a pair of Inov8 Roclite 295’s on there, there was 20 mins left on them, they were…
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