St Helier, Jersey, Channel Isles

Tag: Endurance Life Coastal Trail Series

Has My Fire Really Gone Out?

I sit here after a great weekend away in Dorset and competing in the Dorset CTS Ultra for the second time and racing on that amazingly beautiful yet brutal coastline for the fourth time. Its been a tiring but great weekend away, ten of us from Jersey took part in the varous distance race offered…
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2013 miles in 2013

A week or so ago I passed a nice little landmark – 2013 miles ran in the year 2013. It was a goal I aspired to last year but didn’t make it falling short by some 400 miles in the end! It’s a pleasing landmark in a few ways really: Over the last 3 years…
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No Turning Back….

I have just made the final instalment payment for the 2013 Marathon Des Sables… So this means there is now no going back, I am signed up for the race in April next year and there is nothing I can do!! Time is galloping away now, in just over 3 (yes 3!) months I will…
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Endurance Life CTS Dorset Trail Ultra Marathon Dec 2012

Its Official! I’d forgotten how severe the hills on the beautiful Jurassic Coastline were to be honest.. This was the third time I have raced on this section of coast and as soon as I was stood at the base of the first climb, which incidentally was right at the start, the pain, lactic acid…
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The Hard As Nails Training Plan

So last week saw the first week of my specific training plan for the MDS begin. After seeing Rory Coleman I was armed with a program which if followed will make me in his words “As hard as nails” It is quite a jump up in mileage and I trained every day last week which…
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5 Months To Go..

Yesterday was the Jersey Half Marathon. Over the last few weeks I have been training twice weekly with the Jersey Spartans Athletics Club and have noticed real positive changes in both my speed and endurance. Yesterday was a chance to measure this in real terms and I felt I did ok. The course is challenging…
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6 Months to go..

I found out yesterday that I am now within the 6 month mark to go til the MDS, which I cant quite believe to be honest! I remember signing up and it seemed so long ago. Time flies whilst You’re having fun I guess 🙂 So this Sunday I take part in the Jersey marathon,…
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Been a while..

Its been a few months since my last post. Since that time I have been training and running, training and running.. I had such a great 2011 in terms of running in the end. I completed 3 marathons, 1 Ultra Marathon and 2 Half Marathons, which if you had told me at the start of…
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