St Helier, Jersey, Channel Isles

Inov8 Roclite 315?s

Last night I went out for another cliffpath run, and tested out my new Inov8 Roclite 315 Trail Running Trainers. I did a quick 5.5 miles from Greve De Lecq to Devils hole and back, and it was rainy, windy and pretty bleak.

Initially I set out on tarmac, the shoes felt a little less cushioned than I was used to, and dare I say it a little slippy on the slicker tarmac. However as soon as I hit the trails I noticed a significant improvement in traction and stability compared to my Asics road trainers that I had been using. I was able to take the downhill bits with alot more confidence, and the shoe felt very light so consequently felt like i was flying up the hills. The shoes are not at all waterproof, but I dont envisage this being a problem, although I am due to do a 17 mile run tomorrow in them, and with the way the weather is currently could be the catalyst for lots of blisters. We will see.

I have also under good advice started to use the SIS REGO Recovery shakes, which as the blurb says “The re-energizing fuel with a protein-carbohydrate complex to assist your adaptation to exercise.” I thought that due to running both Thurs and Fri this week and with a 17 miler tomorrow I could do with the legs being in tip top shape. I have woken up today and have felt no aches and pains or tiredeness in the legs at all, which is hopefully down to the shake. I will monitor the use of this shake and report back.

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