Trail Monkey Running Jersey

Round The Rock Ultra Marathon Training

So I’ve got about 1 and 3/4 years til the MDS so right now I am in the process of identifying suitable events to compete in over that period of time to prepare for the MDS. On August 6th I hope to take part in the Round The Rock Ultra Marathon here in Jersey (website I am just getting into the zone with my training, having done the London Marathon in April then resting for 3 weeks after that, and then taking part in the Jersey half marathon in May, my focus is now on intensive cliff path running to prepare for the ultra marathon around the island, taking in various off-road terrain, sweeping cliff paths, golden sands and long flat sections.. This is my first foray into the Ultra world and a considerable step up from marathon distance. I have decided to employ a walk run strategy for this particular race. There is a 12 hour cut-off so haste is required, however I am pretty confident in finishing within that time if all goes ok..

Last Sunday I took part in a 5km Race, which is the first in a series of trail races here in Jersey. The weather was atrocious but still there was a good turn out of 60 or so people.. The course was hard with lots of uphill, but was very enjoyable, and I came in a credible 14th, which I was pleased with. I then did an 8 mile cliff path run, with lots of lactic acid in my legs and in driving rain and wind. It was a hard day but I am pleased that i got through the 8 miler, a definite confidence booster..

Next up is a 17 mile training run on Sunday, again taking in cliff-paths and flat. This will be a true test and if I complete this satisfactorily I will know I am in good shape for August. This is Jersey’s first ultra marathon so will be a great event to be part of.