St Helier, Jersey, Channel Isles

Race Day Tomorrow

So tomorrow morning I am off to do a 5km race. I have to get up at 6.30 and the race is at 8am. Its the first of a series of cross country races and I thought it would be good to get involved as the distances increase through the series..

After the race I am then off to do a 10 mile run across the beautiful cliffpaths of Jersey in training for the Around the Rock Ultra marathon here in Jersey on August 6th. (website: The 48 mile Ultra will be my first foray into the world of running longer than marathon distance.. And to be honest I havent prepared as well as I could have. I have recently started to run the cliff paths, which is a whole new discipline, and one which I really enjoy.. It is physically demanding, and also mentally engaging as you are constantly looking where to place youre feet on the uneven surfaces.

So I think I have about 2 months or so til the 48 mile event. I am hoping that the training I did for the London marathon will stand me in good stead, and the fact I rested thoroughly after that will contribute to a fitness spike (or so I have heard??).. Tomorrow will be a good test, although gale force winds and rain is the predicted order of the day tomorrow.

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