What: 5km race Series – Open to all runners – Team and Solo Options. Sponsored by Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, Jersey
Where – The Freedom Tree, Jardin De La Mer, St Helier , Jersey
The Course:
Entry Fee:
Solo Race 5k Series – £60
Team Entry – £240
What will change from ordinary Canaccord Cup events:
The Dates have been changed and we have had to reduce the race series from 6 to 5 – dates on first tab of this page
The Start will be in waves – one runner from each team to start in a wave, each wave will start at half hour intervals. No runners to arrive for their start until the previous wave has left – Due to COVID-19 we are subject to a maximum amount of 40 people allowed to congregate at one time and this is designed to comply with this law. Runners will be asked to take their start at a grid system marked out to be one meter apart.
Wave Start Times will be 12:00pm, 12:30pm, 1:00pm and 1:30pm – we will notify you which runner is in which wave in good time before the event. We will be unable to change this on the day, so any issues need to be sorted out before the day.
The Course will remain the same
The Finish area: There will be bottled water for runners to take. We will then ask runners to dissipate once they have run their race to ensure the rule of only 40 people in a space at one time is adhered to. If this is not adhered to the event will be suspended there and then and all further races will be cancelled.
We have put this event on in the face of COVID-19 to try and help the island return back to a sense of normality. We really need every single runners co-operation to make this work, so please be aware of our guidelines, which have been agreed with both Jersey Sport and the Jersey Department of Health, above and compliant with our marshals instructions so that we can see this race through to race number 5.
The staging of all of the Corporate Cup is subject to States of Jersey guidelines and we must await further data and information before final decisions can be made.
However, we have already started to put together a list of the risks and mitigants for these risks to enable us to put our event son whilst keeping you guys safe.
Please note some or all of these will be required, and that the list is not exhaustive, others may be added. The purpose here is to give runners as much forewarning as possible with regards to potential changes to their 2020 race.
To enable us to adhere with current guidelines and to minimise the risk of possible transmissions we will be introducing the below outlined actions for our 2020 events (and possibly beyond if required). We must ALL play our part in enabling race events to go ahead and therefore your understanding and help in implementing the below is required and appreciated.
The main principle in place is that social distancing can and will be maintained if advised as necessary by the government, currently 1 metres in all of the below settings not just starting the event, during the event or at the finish.
All volunteers will be provided with PPE including but not limited to nitrile gloves, face masks and access to sanitiser.
All staff including set up and sweep teams will be provided with PPE and will sanitise each area on arrival and departure, eg drinks station or start area.
Pre Race
Runners who are displaying any possible Covid-19 symptoms including but not limited to high temperature, dry cough etc will be asked not to attend the race.
Race Bibs and Kit check: All race bibs will be sent out via post prior to the event. Any runner missing a bib or who did not receive one can still collect on the day.
Race Start: The race start will be conducted in waves so as not to contravene the rules regarding public gatherings. There will be a grid system marked (distances at 1 metres in line with current guidance) where runners must stand prior to race start. The wave will consist of one runner from each team in each wave – the waves will start 30 minutes apart so as to be in compliance with social distancing guidelines. Runners will be asked to arrive 5 minutes after the time that the previous wave has left and be ready for their start time. Runners may arrive directly to the start wearing their bib number and be ready to start at their allotted race time. Runners will be notified of their start time in good time before the actual race day. Social distancing will be in place and marshals and the grid system will ensure no runner is within 2 metres of another through the start process.
Drink Station Etiquette: Runners to sanitise hands at designated entry and exit points to drink stations at finish line where bottled water will be available. Runners will only be permitted into the drink station area with social distancing and will be held at distanced intervals prior to the aid station if others are in the area when they arrive. The Drink station will be manned by volunteers in PPE, due to field sizes and the spread of start and finish times, this will likely be a short wait, nevertheless runners must be patient with staff and volunteers.
On Course Etiquette: At known pinch points there will be marshals deployed. All runners must be prepared to observe social distancing at all times and slow down/stand aside to allow members of the public to pass safely without issue. Runners should call from behind if they wish to pass a slower moving runner ahead and ask them to move aside. Runners must run to one side of the track if being passed allowing the widest possible distance between each other.
All runners will be requested to make quick onward travel and social distancing will be required, to comply with the maximum permitted number of social gatherings (40 at this time)
Now in its seventh year, the Corporate Cup, sponsored by Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, is a 5km race series aimed at all workplaces based in Jersey. This series is designed to help businesses promote and encourage a healthy way of life to all its employees, thus adding more scope and depth to existing health promotion protocols. Runners can compete as part of a team or as individuals.
Running is one of the cheapest and easiest sports to get involved with. We are aiming to promote running as a healthy and enjoyable activity to everyone, encouraging mixed, mens, and ladies teams into a fun but competitive event.
This series will act as a cost effective team building activity that is open to everyone in your business.
Race Promo Video
The Series
The series will consist of six 5km races, five of which will take place on a Wednesday of each consecutive month at 12.45pm, allowing people to fit the run into their lunch break. The final race and presentation will take place at 17.45. There will be no time cut off so if people want to race, jog, walk or crawl everyone will be made welcome (as long as they get back to work in time!).
Reserves/replacements to teams can be made if a team member cannot make one of the events. The replacement runners must be from the same business (can be visiting employee). Please use one of your spare numbers. You do not need to inform race organisers.
Race Details
All races will start from near the Freedom Tree alongside Radisson Blu and finish at Jardin de la Mer.
Teams must be ready 10 minutes before race start times
Our chosen Charity – JSAD
The Corporate Cup will be supporting Jersey Sports Association For The Disabled. Teams are encouraged to raise sponsorship money if possible and can use the Race Nation site for making donations. In addition £40 from each team entry / £10 from each individual will go to the JSAD to help support them in their fantastic work.
Teams, Individuals and prizes
The Corporate Cup is a team based event but individuals are also welcome to enter and run alongside the teams.
During the course of the season, teams will accumulate points from each race, with the best three race times counting towards the overall results. All times for both teams and individuals will be communicated after each race. The final race of the series will not count to the team standings but will determine the fastest male and fastest female runners, with prizes being awarded accordingly.
The team event will be split into three categories: Mens; Ladies and; Mixed with a Corporate Cup Trophy to be won in each. Teams will be made up of four people (mixed teams must include at least one runner from the opposite gender) from the same company/business. There will also be Corporate Cups awarded to the first man and the first lady in the individual race (final race of the series).
Entries will be accepted after the series has commenced but three separate race results are needed to take part in the race series standings
Race Number / Tshirt Collection
Please collect numbers and t-shirts on TBC from Canaccord Genuity, 37 Esplanade.
1. Runners in The Canaccord Genuity Corporate Cup must be at least 16 years of age on the day of the race.
2. Teams will be made up of four runners each of whom must run the entire 5km course.
3. It is the responsibility of Team Captains to ensure each runner is displaying their number on the front of their attire.
4. Failure to display the correct race number on the front of each runner will result in the runner and therefore the team being disqualified.
5. Runners are not permitted to bring or to use on the course any transport (including but not limited to roller skates, cycles, or baby joggers), animals or musical equipment.
6. Runners must obtain written permission from an official should they wish to bring or use any apparatus, item or equipment on the course.
7. All entry fees are non-refundable and the organisers retain the right to refuse entry to anyone declaring false information on their entry form, not making the required payment, or otherwise failing to meet the stated entry requirements.
8. All participants take part at their own risk, and a declaration releasing and discharging all claims against and indemnifying the organisers and any party acting on behalf of the organisers must be completed by all entrants.
9. There is no official time limit for The Corporate Cup.
10. Participants must retire from the race if requested to do so by an official and must comply with all decisions of and directions given by an official.
11. The event organisers reserve the right to modify, supplement or waive all of the Official Rules. Participants shall be bound by any modifications or supplement of the Official Rules published prior to the event.
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